The longest-running show in Broadway history, Andrew Lloyd Webber's The Phantom of the Opera, directed by Harold Prince, has again made theater history, reaching the unprecedented milestone of 11,000 performances. A feat achieved by no other Broadway show, the 11,000th performance was celebrated last night at the Majestic Theatre, and you can check out photos from the backstage celebration below!
The historic milestone will be celebrated tonight, Tuesday, July 8 with a special post-show presentation led by the musical's rapturously-received current stars Tony Award nominee Norm Lewis and Broadway and West End star Sierra Boggess. They will be joined on stage by the entire cast at The Majestic Theatre (247 West 44th Street), the musical's home for more than 26 record-breaking years.
THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA currently stars Norm Lewis in the title role with Sierra Boggess as Christine andJeremy Hays as Raoul. The musical co-stars Laird Mackintosh (Monsieur André), Tim Jerome (Monsieur Firmin),Michele McConnell (Carlotta), Cristin J. Hubbard (Madame Giry), Christian Šebek (Piangi) and Polly Baird (Meg Giry). At certain performances, Mary Michael Patterson plays Christine.
Photo Credit: Walter McBride
Backstage at the "Phantom Of The Opera" 11,000th Broadway Celebration
Polly Baird, Michelle McConnell, Sierra Boggess, Cristin J. Hubbard, Tim Jerome and Christian Sebek
Polly Baird, Michelle McConnell, Sierra Boggess and Cristin J. Hubbard
Greg Mills, Norm Lewis, Sierra Boggess, Tim Jerome and Christian Sebek
Cristin J. Hubbard, Polly Baird, Michele McConnell, Greg Mills, Norm Lewis, Sierra Boggess, Tim Jerome, Christian Sebek and Laird Mackintosh
Cristin J. Hubbard, Polly Baird, Michele McConnell, Greg Mills, Norm Lewis, Sierra Boggess, Tim Jerome, Christian Sebek and Laird Mackintosh
Cristin J. Hubbard, Polly Baird, Michele McConnell, Greg Mills, Norm Lewis, Sierra Boggess, Tim Jerome, Christian Sebek and Laird Mackintosh
Cristin J. Hubbard, Polly Baird, Michele McConnell, Greg Mills, Norm Lewis, Sierra Boggess, Tim Jerome, Christian Sebek and Laird Mackintosh
Greg Mills, Norm Lewis, Sierra Boggess, Tim Jerome and Christian Sebek
Greg Mills, Norm Lewis, Sierra Boggess and Tim Jerome
Greg Mills, Norm Lewis, Sierra Boggess and Tim Jerome
Norm Lewis, Sierra Boggess and Tim Jerome
Greg Mills and Norm Lewis
Cristin J. Hubbard, Polly Baird, Michele McConnell, Greg Mills, Norm Lewis, Sierra Boggess, Tim Jerome, Christian Sebek and Laird Mackintosh
Michele McConnell, Greg Mills, Norm Lewis, Sierra Boggess, Tim Jerome and Christian Sebek
Greg Mills, Norm Lewis and Sierra Boggess
Greg Mills, Sierra Boggess and Norm Lewis
Greg Mills, Sierra Boggess and Norm Lewis
Greg Mills, Sierra Boggess and Norm Lewis
Greg Mills, Sierra Boggess and Norm Lewis
Greg Mills, Sierra Boggess and Norm Lewis
bGreg Mills, Sierra Boggess and Norm Lewis
Greg Mills, Sierra Boggess and Norm Lewis
Greg Mills, Sierra Boggess and Norm Lewis
Greg Mills, Sierra Boggess and Norm Lewis
Norm Lewis and Sierra Boggess with Mary Michael Patterson