Darren Ritchie
Jessica-Snow Wilson, with Adam Fleming as "Mother", accompanied by Eli Bolin
Jessica Snow Wilson sings "I'm An Artist"
Eli Bolin, composer of the off-Broadway show "I Sing"
Adam Fleming
contemporary singer/songwriter Matt Stamm
Host and Grammy winner Julie Gold reviews her notes during rehearsal
Jessica-Snow snacks between rehearsal and show
Musical director Matt Richardson reviewing before the show
Stephanie J. Block
Stephanie J. Block with composer Scott Alan
Bare's Jesse Vargas during rehearsal
Jenna Leigh Green during rehearsal
21 year old composer and 2005 Jonathan Larson Musical Theatre Fellow, Brian Lowdermilk accompanying Green
Jenna Leigh Green rehearsing
newcomer Josh Young
Lowdermilk, Young, Wilson & Ritchie
Lisa Brescia, Jesse Vargas, Matt Richardson
Scott Alan, Stephanie Block
Writer Sam Forman, Composer/Actress Leslie Becker, and Matt Stamm
Jenna Leigh Green with producer/roommate Geoffrey Soffer
Concert producer Geoffrey Soffer and Broadway advertising guy Joaquin Esteva
Geoffrey Soffer welcoming the crowd to Makor
Julie Gold opening the show
Leslie Becker introducing Darren Ritchie