Transport Group will soon present Three Days to See, conceived and directed by Jack Cummings III, based on the words of Helen Keller. Three Days to See is scheduled to begin performances July 12, open July 26, and finish its run August 16 at Theatre 79, 79 East 4 Street.
What remains when the senses fail? Who do you become? Prepare to question everything you know about your experience of the world as a brilliant and just a tad unhinged company of actors shatter the stereotypes at the heart of the legacy of one of the greatest thinkers of the 20th Century. Three Days To See creates a vivid, intimate, deeply moving, and strangely hilarious portrait of Helen Keller revealing a startling hidden story of luminous intelligence and extraordinary accomplishment. These electric performers joyfully demolish and reconstruct everything you thought you knew about this unique American icon and introduce you to Keller's revelatory and singular take on culture, feminism, romance, and politics. Your perception of this trailblazer, and possibly of your whole world, will never be the same.
The cast includes Ito Aghayere ("Orange is the New Black," The Liquid Plain), Patrick Boll (Mamma Mia, All the Way Home), Marc De La Cruz (If/Then, Allegiance), Theresa McCarthy (Queen of the Mist, Floyd Collins), Chinaza Uche ("Bintou," The Day On Which a Man Dies), Barbara Walsh (Company,Falsettos), and Zoe Wilson.
Photo Credit: Jennifer Broski
Zoe Wilson
Scott Rink, Lori Fineman, Jack Cummings III
Marc DeLacruz, Barbara Walsh, Zoe Wilson, Ito Aghayere, Theresa McCarthy, Chinaza Uche, Patrick Boll
Lori Fineman, Barbara Walsh, Scott Rink, Zoe Wilson, Marc DeLacruz, Ito Aghayere, Chinaza Uche, Theresa McCarthy, Patrick Boll, Jack Cummings III