Roundabout Theatre Company presents Dinner with Friends by Pulitzer Prize winner Donald Margulies, directed by Tony Award® winner Pam MacKinnon. The show will feature Heather Burns as "Beth," Marin Hinkle as "Karen", Darren Pettie as "Tom," and Jeremy Shamos as "Gabe." The company met the press earlier today and you can catch photos of the whole gang below!
Performances begin on January 17, 2014 and opening night is February 13, 2014 at theLaura Pels Theatre in the Harold and Miriam Steinberg Center for Theatre (111 West 46th Street). This is a limited engagement through April 13, 2014.
Ever since Karen (Hinkle) and Gabe (Shamos) played matchmaker with their friends Beth (Burns) and Tom (Pettie), the two couples have been inseparable-going to the Vineyard every summer, raising their kids and enjoying countless dinners together. But when one marriage unexpectedly crumbles, the couples' lives begin to veer in opposite directions. Can these four friends move on to the next chapter without moving apart... or have they changed beyond recognition?
Wryly funny and richly layered, Dinner with Friends is a modern masterpiece about the path you choose, the millions you don't and the detours that make it worth the ride.
Tickets are available online at, by phone at (212) 719-1300, or in person at the Laura Pels Box Office (111 West 46th Street). Tickets are $82.To be the first to know about tickets and other news, sign up for Roundabout's email club Roundabout subscribers save up to 40% on tickets to Dinner with Friends. Three play packages start at $225. Learn more at
Photo Credit: Walter McBride
'Dinner with Friends' - Rehearsal Studio
'Dinner with Friends' - Rehearsal Studio
'Dinner with Friends' - Rehearsal Studio
Heather Burns and Darren Pettie
Heather Burns and Darren Pettie
Heather Burns and Darren Pettie
Heather Burns and Darren Pettie
Jeremy Shamos and Marin Hinkle
Jeremy Shamos and Marin Hinkle
Jeremy Shamos and Marin Hinkle
Jeremy Shamos and Marin Hinkle
Jeremy Shamos, Marin Hinkle, Heather Burns and Darren Pettie
Jeremy Shamos, Marin Hinkle, Heather Burns and Darren Pettie
Jeremy Shamos, Marin Hinkle, Heather Burns and Darren Pettie
Marin Hinkle, Jeremy Shamos, Director Pam McKinnon, Playwright Donald Margulies, Heather Burns and Darren Pettie
Marin Hinkle, Jeremy Shamos, Director Pam McKinnon, Playwright Donald Margulies, Heather Burns and Darren Pettie
Marin Hinkle, Jeremy Shamos, Director Pam McKinnon, Playwright Donald Margulies, Heather Burns and Darren Pettie
Director Pam MacKinnon
Playwright Donald Margulies
Director Pam MacKinnon and Playwright Donald Margulies
Director Pam MacKinnon and Playwright Donald Margulies
Director Pam MacKinnon and Playwright Donald Margulies