The Roundabout Underground production of Joshua Elias Harmon's Bad Jews, directed by Daniel Aukin will feature Tracee Chimo, Philip Ettinger, Molly Ranson, and Michael Zegen. The cast of the show met the press yesterday, and you can check out photos from the event below!
Bad Jews is a world-premiere comedy about the holy and the holier-than-thou. Daphna Feygenbaum (Chimo) is a Real Jew-just ask the Israeli boyfriend she met on Birthright. So when her cousin Liam (Zegen) brings home his shiksa girlfriend Melody (Ranson) and declares ownership of their grandfather's Chai necklace, it sparks a viciously hilarious brawl over family, faith and legacy.
Preview performances begin on October 5, with Opening Night on Tuesday, October 30, 2012. This is a limited engagement through December 30, 2012. All tickets for Roundabout Underground productions are $20.
Photo Credit: Jennifer Broski
Michael Zegen, Philip Ettinger
Michael Zegen, Molly Ranson, Tracee Chimo, Philip Ettinger
Joshua Elias Harmon, Michael Zegen, Molly Ranson, Philip Ettinger, Tracee Chimo, Daniel Aukin