Broadway Impact presented the final installment of "Broadway Impact's Summer Concert Series at Joe's Pub" last night, August 23. This monthly concert featured cast members from Broadway shows, highlighting the theatre community's ongoing commitment to marriage equality. This final concert featured cast members from the 2010 Tony-winning Best Musical, Memphis. BroadwayWorld was on hand to capture the performance and brings you complete photo coverage below.
The concert series kicked off June 23rd with a sold out show featuring cast members from Next to Normal. The second installment on July 25th featured another sold out show by cast members from American Idiot.
Broadway Impact is a grassroots organization of the theatre community and its fans, mobilizing in support of marriage equality. Founded by Gavin Creel, Rory O'Malley and Jenny Kanelos, it aims to educate and inspire the community to action. For more information, visit
To catch Memphis at the Shubert Theatre nightly, visit
Photo credit: Monica Simoes
Hilary Elk
Hilary Elk
Hilary Elk
Rhett George & James Monroe Iglehart
Rhett George & James Monroe Iglehart
Rhett George & James Monroe Iglehart
John Eric Parker, Dan'yelle Williamson, Rhett George & Tracee Beazer
Hilary Elk
Shelton Becton & Kenny J. Seymour
Rhett George & James Monroe Iglehart
Bryan Fenkart, Shelton Becton, Kenny J. Seymour, Rhett George, John Eric Parker & James Monroe Iglehart
Dan'yelle Williamson, Betsy Struxness, Sydney Morton, Hilary Elk & Tracee Beazer
Rhett George & James Monroe Iglehart
The cast of Memphis
Rory O’Malley & Jenny Kanelos with the cast of Memphis