Jersey Boys, the new Broadway musical based on the life story of Frankie Valli and The Four Seasons: Frankie Valli, Bob Gaudio, Tommy DeVito and Nick Massi opened on Sunday night November 6, 2005. The show tells the story of how a group of blue-collar boys from the wrong side of the tracks became one of the biggest American pop music sensations of all time. They wrote their own songs, invented their own sounds and sold 175 million records worldwide - all before they were thirty.
The cast of Jersey Boys is lead by Christian Hoff (Tommy DeVito), Daniel Reichard (Bob Gaudio), J. Robert Spencer (Nick Massi) and John Lloyd Young (Frankie Valli) as The Four Seasons; with Peter Gregus and Mark Lotito.The cast also includes Tituss Burgess, Heather Ferguson, Steve Gouveia, Donnie Kehr, John Leone, Michael Longoria, Jennifer Naimo, Dominic Nolfi, Erica Piccininni, and Sara Schmidt.
Tickets to Jersey Boys are available by calling at (212) 239-6200, (800) 432-7250 outside the NY metro area, online at, and at the August Wilson Theatre box office (245 West 52nd Street, between Broadway.
Daniel Reichard, Christian Hoff, Bob Gaudio, Donna Summer,
John Lloyd Young and J. Robert Spencer.