2014 Tony Nominee Jarrod Spector premiered a brand new show, Jukebox Life at Feinstein's/54 Below last night following his celebrated A Little Help From My Friends concert tour and CD.
For six years he played 'Frankie Valli' in Jersey Boys. For three years he played 'Barry Mann' in Beautiful: The Carole King Musical. For countless hours he worked on preliminary productions of other jukebox and biographical shows no one has ever heard of.
These experiences, including 1500 'Can't Take My Eyes Off of You's and 900 'We Gotta Get Outta This Place's, have led Jarrod Spector to be called "Mr. Jukebox Musical" (by his mother), but a fitting and eclectic soundtrack of his life began long before that title was bestowed.
Predating even his time crooning Bobby Darin hits ('I Can't Give You Anything But Love,' 'Mack the Knife') en route to becoming Junior Champion on Ed McMahon's Star Search at age six, music has framed and underscored the story of Jarrod's often-humbling journey from his childhood home in Philadelphia ('Jukebox Baby') to the bright lights 'On Broadway.' With a red hot band and helped by unrivaled and often-embarrassing childhood archival footage, Jukebox Life traces Jarrod's journey from Philly to Los Angeles to New York, through some terrible-and eventually less-terrible-auditions ('One Song Glory'), to getting the role ('Since I Don't Have You') and, best of all, to getting the girl ('Shiksa Goddess').
Jarrod Spector November 1-5 & 13
Jarrod Spector, Adam-Ben Davie, Piano, Aurelian Budynek, David Mann, Mat Fieldes, Trevor Neumann, Mike Davis, David Rozenblatt
Jarrod Spector, Aurelian Budynek, David Mann
Feinstein's/54 Below
Michael Feinstein & Jarrod Spector
Rich Aronstein, Michael Feinstein, Jarrod Spector
Terrance Flannery, Sunny Sessa, Michael Feinstein
Richard Maltby Jr. & Jarrod Spector