Atlantic Theater Company presents the world premiere of Rod McLachlan's new play Good Television, directed by Bob Krakower. The cast features Talia Balsam, Jessica Cummings,John Magaro, Kelly McAndrew, Zoe Perry, Luke Robertson, Andrew Stewart-Jones, and Ned Van Zandt. The show opened last night, June 4, at Atlantic Stage 2 (330 West 16th Street). Limited engagement through Sunday, June 16, 2013. Check out photos from opening night below!
In his off-Broadway playwriting debut, Atlantic Ensemble member Rod McLachlan pulls back the curtain on modern television drama at its most extreme. Connie is an intervention counselor and producer on a reality television series which profiles people suffering from addiction. Against her better judgment, her superiors convince her to take on a special, risky case in the hopes of making a riveting, explosive episode. When Connie and her colleagues travel to South Carolina to interview a young meth addict and his family, Connie's own demons resurface and the "explosive episode" threatens to blow up in her face.
Rod McLachlan makes his off-Broadway debut as a playwright, having acted in Atlantic's productions ofEdmund, Clean and Two Unrelated Plays by David Mamet: Keep Your Pantheon and School. His one-act comedy Home Therapy Kit was produced at Atlantic and Catch a Rising Star in New York and at the Complex in Los Angeles.
Photo Credit: Jennifer Broski
Ned Van Zandt, Luke Robertson, John Magaro, Zoe Perry, Kelly McAndrew, Talia Balsam, Andrew Stewart-Jones, Jessica Cummings
Ned Van Zandt, Luke Robertson, John Magaro, Zoe Perry, Kelly McAndrew, Talia Balsam, Andrew Stewart-Jones, Jessica Cummings
Ned Van Zandt, Luke Robertson, John Magaro, Zoe Perry, Kelly McAndrew, Talia Balsam, Andrew Stewart-Jones, Jessica Cummings
Ned Van Zandt, Luke Robertson, John Magaro, Zoe Perry, Kelly McAndrew, Talia Balsam, Andrew Stewart-Jones, Jessica Cummings
Jacquelyn Landgraf, Kate Rigg, Alison Cimmet
Luke Robertson, Ned Van Zandt, John Magaro
Rod McLachlan, Talia Balsam, Bob Krakower
Zoe Perry, Kelly McAndrew, Rod McLachlan, Bob Krakower, Jessica Cummings
Zoe Perry, Andrew Stewart-Jones, Kelly McAndrew, Jessica Cummings
Andrew Stewart-Jones, Kelly McAndrew