Gingold Theatrical Group's Project Shaw, under the leadership of Artistic Director David Staller, presents Shaw New York 2013, the annuAl Shaw-based festival in New York City, with events now through October 13 at The Pearl Theatre Company's 555 West 42nd Street home. Tickets at or 212-563-9261.
On Monday, October 7 was Critics' Symposium, at which a team of critics examined the ever-changing needs of their field. This panel included David Cote and HeLen Shaw (TimeOut NY), Chris Jones (Chicago Tribune), Jason Zinoman(New York Times), Linda Winer (Newsday), Jeremy Gerard (Bloomberg) with moderator Jeffrey Eric Jenkins. Check out photos from the event below!
Photo Credit: Genevieve Rafter Keddy
David Staller and Symposium Moderator Jeffrey Eric Jenkins
Jason Zinoman, David Cote, Chris Jones, Jeffrey Eric Jenkins, Helen Shaw, Jeremy Gerard and Linda Winer
Jeffrey Eric Jenkins
Jason Zinoman, David Cote, Chris Jones, Jeffrey Eric Jenkins, HeLen Shaw, Jeremy Gerard and Linda Winer
Linda Winer
HeLen Shaw
David Staller, David Cote, Chris Jones, Jeffrey Eric Jenkins, HeLen Shaw, Jeremy Gerard and Linda Winer
Linda Winer and Jeffrey Eric Jenkins
Jason Zinoman, David Cote, Chris Jones, Jeffrey Eric Jenkins, HeLen Shaw, Jeremy Gerard and Linda Winer
HeLen Shaw, Jeffrey Eric Jenkins and David Cote
Fern Jaffe, David Staller and Anita Jaffe
Anita Jaffe and Jeffrey Eric Jenkins