"In The Heights is the quintessential New York musical, about a vibrant and tight-knit community at the top of the island of Manhattan. The music pulses with the hopes and dreams of three generations as they struggle to forge an identity in a neighborhood on the brink of transition," explain press notes.
Tickets for In The Heights range from $21.50 to $111.50, and can be purchased at the Richard Rodgers Box Office or at www.ticketmaster.com. Lottery front-row tickets ($26.50) are available two-hours before curtain.
The playing schedule for In The Heights is as follows: Tuesday - Saturday at 8pm, Sunday at 7pm, with matinees Saturday and Sunday at 2pm. Added performances on Monday March 17 at 8pm, and matinees Wednesday March 12, March 19, and March 26 all at 2pm. No performances on Wednesday, March 12 at 8pm, Sunday, March 23 at 2pm and 7pm, and Sunday, March 30 at 7pm. For more, visit www.intheheightsthemusical.com.Photos by Walter McBride / Retna Ltd.
In The Heights officially opened Sunday, March 9, 2008 at the Richard Rodgers Theatre
In The Heights officially opened Sunday, March 9, 2008 at the Richard Rodgers Theatre
In The Heights officially opened Sunday, March 9, 2008 at the Richard Rodgers Theatre
Director Thomas Kail
Thomas Kail and Angela Christian
Thomas Kail and Angela Christian
Thomas Kail and Angela Christian
Thomas Kail and Angela Christian
Jeffrey Seller (Producer)
Choreographer Andy Blankenbuehler
Andy Blankenbuehler and guest
Jill Furman (Producer)
Quiara Alegia Hudes (Book)
Quiara Alegia Hudes, Jill Furman and Jeffrey Seller
Kevin McCollum (Producer) with wife, Lynnette Perry, and daughter
Kevin McCollum (Producer) with wife, Lynnette Perry, and daughter
Sander Jacobs with Amy Jacobs (Producer)
Sarah Paulson and Pedro Pascal
Sarah Paulson and Pedro Pascal
Sarah Paulson and David Hyde Pierce
Sarah Paulson, David Hyde Pierce and Pedro Pascal
Sarah Paulson and David Hyde Pierce
Jessica Molaskey and daughter
Jessica Molaskey and daughter