The New York Premiere of Party Face, a new comedy by Isobel Mahon ("Glenroe," "Fair City") and directed by Amanda Bearse ("Married...With Children"), will begin performances on Thursday, January 11, 2018 at City Center Stage 2 (131 West 55th Street) for a run through April 8, 2018. Opening night is set for Monday, January 22, 2018.
Academy Award-winning actress Hayley Mills (The Parent Trap, Pollyanna) will be joined by Klea Blackhurst (Goodspeed's Hello, Dolly!, The Nutty Professor), Gina Costigan (Mint Theater's The Suitcase Under the Bed), Brenda Meaney (Indian Ink), and Allison Jean White (Roundabout's Man and Boy).
You're invited to a party that's full of surprises. Careful plans are upended when a mother brings her own food to her daughter's party-and also the "right" person to be her daughter's new best friend. They put on their "party faces" and hope for the best--but when facades crack, secrets spill...and laughter roars as their revelry leads to revelations.
PARTY FACE will feature set design by Jeff Ridenour, lighting design by Joyce Liao, costume designs by Michael Blatzer, sound design by Damien Figueras and casting by Pat McCorkle, CSA, McCorkle Casting, Ltd. Brierpatch Productionsserves as general management.
PARTY FACE is currently touring Ireland as a Jan Warner production under its original title BOOM?, starring playwright Isobel Mahon.
Photo Credit: Walter McBride
Hayley Mills and Amanda Bearse
Hayley Mills and Amanda Bearse
Gina Costigan, Brenda Meaney, Allison Jean White, KLea Blackhurst, Hayley Mills and Amanda Bearse
KLea Blackhurst, Hayley Mills and Amanda Bearse
Hayley Mills and Amanda Bearse
Hayley Mills and Amanda Bearse
Hayley Mills and Amanda Bearse
Hayley Mills and Amanda Bearse
Hayley Mills attends the Off-Broadway Meet & Greet Photocall for the cast of 'Party Face' at Theatre Row Studios on November 18, 2017 in New York City.
KLea Blackhurst, Gina Costigan, Hayley Mills, Brenda Meaney and Allison Jean White