Set in modern day New York City, Ghost The Musical is a timeless fantasy about the power of love. Walking back to their apartment one night, Sam and Molly are mugged, leaving Sam murdered on a dark street. Sam is trapped as a ghost between this world and the next and unable to leave Molly, who he learns is in grave danger. With the help of a phony storefront psychic, Oda Mae Brown, Sam tries to communicate with Molly in the hope of saving and protecting her.
Caissie Levy and Richard Fleeshman
Caissie Levy and Richard Fleeshman
Alex Washer, Leah Lane, Alyssa Renzi and Stewart F. Lane
Sandra Edward and John Edward
Arielle Kebbel and guest
Paul McGill and Tony Marion
Heather Thomson and Luann de Lesseps
Ashley Wallen and guest
Joe Aaron Reid and James Brown III
Debbie Allen, Gary Dourdan and Vivian Nixon
Christopher Nightingale, Hugh Vanstone and Paul Kieve
Merrill Grant and David Garfinkle
Adam Silberman and Liat Silberman
David Garfinkle and Bruce Joel Rubin
Tyler McGee, Carly Hughes and Albert Guerzon
Jeremy Davis, Stephen Carrasco, Josh Franklin, Daniel J. Watts and Mike Cannon
Karen Hyland and Jesse Wildman
Constantine Rousouli and Moya Angela
Vasthy Mompoint and Alison Luff
Bryce Pinkham, Caissie Levy, Jerry Zucker, Lisa Niemi and Richard Fleeshman
Da'Vine Joy Randolph and Bryce Pinkham
Richard Fleeshman, Caissie Levy, Matthew Warchus, Da'Vine Joy Randolph and Bryce Pinkham
Richard Fleeshman, Caissie Levy, Da'Vine Joy Randolph and Bryce Pinkham