"Broadway Idol," a talent competition seeking to find the newest musical theatre star presented by the New York Musical Theatre Festival, returned this summer for its second season. Broadway veteran Andrea McArdle served as the host of Round One of the competition on Friday, September 21 at The Stitch Bar and Lounge (247 West 37th Street). Ten aspiring stars battled for the coveted crown and their very own concert venued at and produced by Ars Nova.
Beginning with the opening round on Friday, September 21,
eliminations occur weekly, as the contestants are critiqued by
panels of celebrity musical theatre judges, including Anthony Rapp, Marc Shaiman, Denis O'Hare, Lonny Price, Manoel Felciano and Stephanie D'Abruzzo.
Contestants are then chosen to advance in the competition by audience
member voting through Verizon wireless text messaging immediately at
the conclusion of each performance round. Christopher D. Littlefield serves as the event's Musical Director, and Jess McLeod directs.
This year's "Broadway Idol" contestants are: Laura Daniel, Nick Dothèe, Henry Gainza, Gabrielle Maes, Auri Marcus, DeMond B. Nason, Stephanie Pitsiladis, George Psomas, Isabel Santiago, and Alysha Umphress. These 10 contestants were chosen from open auditions held earlier this month in New York. For detailed introductions to the 10 "Broadway Idol" contestants: Click Here!
Round One: September 21
"My Favorite Things" – Contestants sing their favorite tunes from any Broadway show.
Round Two: September 28
"Broadway Rocks!" – Contestants sing a rock song from a Broadway show.
Final Round: October 5
"Star to Be" – Contestants sing one song from Broadway show pre-Oklahoma and one song from a Broadway show post-Hair.
Admission is $10 at the door, which includes one drink token. For more information, visit www.nymf.org or www.stitchnyc.com.
Photos by Eugene Lovendusky
The 10 "Broadway Idol" contestants. (front row, l-r): Nick Dothèe, Alysha Umphress, DeMond B. Nason, George Psomas; (back row, l-r): Gabrielle Maes, Stephanie Pitsiladis, Henry Gainza, Auri Marcus, Isabel Santiago, Laura Daniel
(front row, l-r): Celebrity Judges Marc Shaiman (Hairspray) and Donna Lynne Champlin (Sweeney Todd), plus "Broadway Idol" Host Andrea McArdle with the 10 "Broadway Idol" contestants. (front row, l-r): Nick Dothèe,
Alysha Umphress, DeMond B. Nason, George Psomas; (back row, l-r):
Gabrielle Maes, Stephanie Pitsiladis, Henry Gainza, Auri Marcus, Isabel
Santiago, Laura Daniel
"Broadway Idol" Host Andrea McArdle with Celebrity Judges Marc Shaiman (Hairspray) and Donna Lynne Champlin (Sweeney Todd)
Musical Director Christopher D. Littlefield
Host Andrea McArdle
Andrea McArdle, Donna Lynne Champlin and Marc Shaiman
Donna Lynne Champlin and Marc Shaiman
Donna Lynne Champlin and Marc Shaiman
Donna Lynne Champlin and Marc Shaiman
Andrea McArdle and "Broadway Idol" Contestant #1 Nick Dothèe
Nick Dothèe sings "On the Streets of Dublin"
Nick Dothèe
Nick Dothèe
Andrea McArdle and "Broadway Idol" Contestant #2 Stephanie Pitsiladis
Stephanie Pitsiladis sings "The Wizard and I"
Stephanie Pitsiladis
Stephanie Pitsiladis
"Broadway Idol" Contestant # 3 DeMond B. Nason sings "Hold On"
DeMond B. Nason
DeMond B. Nason
DeMond B. Nason
"Broadway Idol" Contestant #4 Gabrielle Maes sings "Around the World"
Gabrielle Maes
Gabrielle Maes
Gabrielle Maes
"Broadway Idol" Contestant #5 Isabel Santiago sings "Raven"
Isabel Santiago
Isabel Santiago
Isabel Santiago
"Broadway Idol" Contestant #6 George Psomas sings "Lucky to Be Me"
George Psomas
George Psomas
George Psomas
"Broadway Idol" Contestant #7 Auri Marcus sings "Defying Gravity"
Auri Marcus
Auri Marcus
Auri Marcus
"Broadway Idol" Contestant #8 Laura Daniel sings "Be A Lion"
"Broadway Idol" Contestant #9 Henry Gainza sings "This Is Not Over Yet"
Henry Gainza
Henry Gainza
Henry Gainza
"Broadway Idol" Contestant #10 Alysha Umphress sings "Coronet Man"