Directed by Stephen Daldry, Billy Elliot has recently celebrated its 1000th performance in London and has now been seen by over 1.5 million people and has grossed over £65 million.
For more information please visit www.billyelliotthemusical.com
Photo Credits Walter McBride/Retna Ltd.
Broadway Launch of the musical "Billy Elliot" held at the Professional Performing Arts High School in New York City on April 22, 2008.
Elton John, Trent Kowalik, David Alvarez and Kiril Kulish
Elton John, Trent Kowalik, David Alvarez and Kiril Kulish
Elton John, Trent Kowalik, David Alvarez and Kiril Kulish
Elton John, Trent Kowalik, David Alvarez and Kiril Kulish
Director Stephen Daldry
Director Stephen Daldry
Director Stephen Daldry
Director Stephen Daldry
Director Stephen Daldry
Trent Kowalik, David Alvarez, Kiril Kulish and AJ Callaway