Bullet for Adolf, a new comedy by Woody Harrelson and Frankie Hyman, received its American last night, August 8. Directed by Harrelson—Academy Award nominee for The Messenger and The People vs. Larry Flynt—the show began performances on Thursday, July 19, 2012 at New World Stages (340 West 50th Street). The production is scheduled to play through Sunday, September 9, 2012. BroadwayWorld brings you the opening night curtain call below!
During the summer of 1983, in the sweltering heat of Houston, an unlikely friendship is formed when a couple of mid-western rubes with uncertain futures meet up with a slick New Yorker on the run from his past. The disappearance of a WWII artifact sets off a chain of events that proves that nothing changes the present like a blast from the past. The characters that populate this hysterical, rapid-fire new comedy by real-life friends Woody Harrelson and Frankie Hyman are based on real people, though the events depicted are fiction and the names have been changed to protect the not-so-innocent.
The cast includes: Marsha Stephanie Blake, Raul Casso, Brandon Coffey, David Coomber, Shamika Cotton, Shannon Garland, Chris Myers and Nick Wyman.
The creative team includes Dane Laffrey (sets), Kristy Leigh Hall (costumes), Jen Schriever (lights), Brett Jarvis (sound), and Imaginary Media (projections). Bullet for Adolf is being presented by Children at Play.
Photos by Walter McBride / Retna Ltd.
Theatre Marquee
Cast Board
Theatre Marquee
Lee Osorio, Marsha Stephanie Blake, Nick Wyman, Shamika Cotton, Brandon Coffey, David Coomber, Shannon Garland & Tyler Jacob Rollinson
Lee Osorio, Marsha Stephanie Blake, Nick Wyman, Shamika Cotton, Brandon Coffey, David Coomber, Shannon Garland & Tyler Jacob Rollinson
Lee Osorio, Marsha Stephanie Blake, Nick Wyman, Shamika Cotton, Brandon Coffey, David Coomber, Shannon Garland & Tyler Jacob Rollinson
Lee Osorio, Marsha Stephanie Blake, Nick Wyman, Shamika Cotton, Brandon Coffey, David Coomber, Shannon Garland & Tyler Jacob Rollinson
Lee Osorio, Marsha Stephanie Blake, Nick Wyman, Shamika Cotton, Brandon Coffey, David Coomber, Shannon Garland & Tyler Jacob Rollinson
Lee Osorio, Marsha Stephanie Blake, Nick Wyman, Shamika Cotton, Brandon Coffey, David Coomber, Shannon Garland & Tyler Jacob Rollinson
Lee Osorio, Marsha Stephanie Blake & Woody Harrelson
Lee Osorio, Marsha Stephanie Blake, Woody Harrelson & Nick Wyman
Lee Osorio, Marsha Stephanie Blake, Woody Harrelson, Nick Wyman & Shamika Cotton
Lee Osorio, Marsha Stephanie Blake, Woody Harrelson, Nick Wyman & Shamika Cotton
Lee Osorio, Marsha Stephanie Blake, Woody Harrelson, Nick Wyman & Shamika Cotton
Lee Osorio, Marsha Stephanie Blake, Woody Harrelson & Nick Wyman
Lee Osorio, Marsha Stephanie Blake, Woody Harrelson, Nick Wyman & Shamika Cotton
Lee Osorio, Marsha Stephanie Blake, Woody Harrelson & Nick Wyman
Lee Osorio, Marsha Stephanie Blake, Woody Harrelson, Nick Wyman, Shamika Cotton, Brandon Coffey, David Coomber, Shannon Garland, Tyler Jacob Rollinson & Frankie Hyman
Marsha Stephanie Blake, Woody Harrelson & Nick Wyman
Lee Osorio, Marsha Stephanie Blake, Woody Harrelson, Nick Wyman, Shamika Cotton, Brandon Coffey, David Coomber, Shannon Garland, Tyler Jacob Rollinson & Frankie Hyman
Lee Osorio, Marsha Stephanie Blake, Woody Harrelson, Nick Wyman, Shamika Cotton, Brandon Coffey, David Coomber, Shannon Garland, Tyler Jacob Rollinson & Frankie Hyman
Lee Osorio, Marsha Stephanie Blake, Woody Harrelson & Nick Wyman
Lee Osorio, Marsha Stephanie Blake, Woody Harrelson & Nick Wyman
Lee Osorio, Marsha Stephanie Blake, Woody Harrelson & Nick Wyman
Woody Harrelson & Frankie Hyman with Company
'Bullet For Adolf'