The cast of Rent also includes Nicholas Christopher as Collins, Josh Grisetti as Mark, Emma Hunton as Maureen, Rashad Naylor as Benny, MJ Rodriguez as Angel and Shaleah Adkisson as Joanne, as well as Margot Bingham, Amber Iman, Marcus Paul James, Ben Thompson, Taylor Trensch, Morgan Weed, Xavier Cano, Katrina Rose Dideriksen, Sean Michael Murray, and Genny Lis Padilla.
Rent, written by Jonathan Larson and directed by Michael Greif, opened at Off-Broadway’s New World Stages on August 11, 2011. The original production of Rent first opened February 13, 1996, at New York Theatre Workshop where it was hailed as a landmark in the history of the American musical.
Photo Credit: Walter McBride/Retna Ltd.
Theatre Marquee
Anthony Fedorov and Natalie Wachen
Anthony Fedorov and Natalie Wachen
Anthony Fedorov and Natalie Wachen
Anthony Fedorov and Natalie Wachen
Anthony Fedorov and Natalie Wachen
Anthony Fedorov and Natalie Wachen
The 'RENT' / 'CREATE' wall
The 'RENT' / 'CREATE' wall
Theatre Marquee