The Phantom of the Opera celebrated its unprecedented 30th Anniversary in New York City on January 26, 2018. To mark the occasion, 30 designers were tasked to transform the look of the iconic Phantom mask -originally designed by Maria Björnson and realized by milliner Rodney Gordon - in their own aesthetic vision for a one-of-a-kind mask.
The #PhantomFashion30 designs were revealed during an exclusive invite-only event sponsored by Bank of America on Tuesday, October 30.
BroadwayWorld was there at the event and you can check out photos of the designers with their masks below!
The 30 masks are now on display at the Museum of the City of New York for 30 days.
The one-of-a-kind creations will be up for bids during a special online auction from October 30 to November 30. Proceeds from the auction will benefit Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS.
Participating #PhantomFashion30 designers and brands are Badgley Mischka, Chloe Gosselin, Christian Roth, Dennis Basso, Edie Parker, Eugenia Kim, Gigi Burris, Ilesteva, Isabel and Ruben Toledo, Judith Leiber, Kendra Scott, Kenneth Cole, Lizzie Fortunato, Marchesa, Naeem Khan, Nick Graham, Nicole Miller, Pamella Roland, Paul Marlow, Rebecca Minkoff, Sachin & Babi, Sally LaPointe, Stephen Dweck, Swarovski, Tadashi Shoji, Tanya Taylor, Title of Work, Vivienne Tam, Wolk Morais, and Zang Toi.
Photo Credit: Genevieve Rafter Keddy
Phantom Fashion 30
Phantom Of The Opera
Immortal Glamour, Badgley Mischka, Mark Badgley and James Mischka
City of Angels, Wolk Morais, Brian Wolk and Claude Morais
tragedy/redemption, Title of Work, Jonathan Meizler
Phantom Punk, Nicole Miller
The Phantom Blossom Mask, Lizzie Fortunato
All I Mask Of You, Eugenia Kim
Masked Reflection, Sally LaPointe
Mask 4 Mask, Paul Marlow
The Archive 1993 Mask, Christian Roth
Fracture Brilliance, Kendra Scott
Duet of Luxury, Dennis Basso
Consumed, Stephen Dweck
Painting Of The Opera, Tanya Taylor
Etoiles Noir, Naeem Khan
The Mask Of Truth, Kenneth Cole
The Mystique Of Palais Garnier, Zang Toi
The Belle Epoque Mask, Swarovski
El Tigre, Illesteva, Justin Salguero and Daniel Silberman
Luckily Charmed, Edie Parker, Brett Heyman
Shattered, Jana Matheson, EVP and CCO of Judith Leiber Couture
Phantom Fleur Mask, Sachin & Babi, Sachin and Babi Attlywalia
Golden Shadow, Pamella Roland, Pamella Devos
Moon Flowers, Chloe Gosselin
Shaman Phantom Mask Isabel Toledo, Isabel Toldeo and Ruben Toledo
Polka Dot Phantom, Nick Graham
The Black Butterfly Metamor Phosis,Vivienne Tam
The Golden Daae, Marchesa, Georgina Chapman and Karen Craig
The Opera Ghost, Tadashi Shoji
For The Love Of Night, Rebecca Minkoff
Vibrato, Gigi Burris Millinery, Gigi Burris
30 Years 30 Masks
30 Years 30 Masks
30 Years 30 Masks
30 Years 30 Masks
30 Years 30 Masks
Nick Graham
Nick Graham
Stephen Dweck
Tanya Taylor
Eugenia Kim
Phantom of the Opera Costumes
Phantom of the Opera Costumes
Phantom of the Opera Costumes
Phantom of the Opera Costumes
Phantom of the Opera Costumes
Phantom of the Opera Costumes