Master ballet teacher Kat Wildish presents the semi-annual Performing in NY Showcase at The Ailey Citigroup Theater August 27 & 28, 2011 with over 200 local dancers. The summer program features guest artists Caron Eule, Iquail Johnson, Sa Dance Company, and Michelle Lookado from the Broadway cast of "Anything Goes," in addition to multilevel adult students from all styles of open dance classes across the city.
"These showcases spread the joy of performance to everyone who's had that dream of being onstage," says producer Kat Wildish, Ailey Extension faculty member and former ABT and NYCB dancer. "We're thrilled to have our biggest cast yet. The energy is infectious!" Wildish invites students from The Ailey Extension and Broadway Dance Center to perfom alongside budding choreographers and small professional troupes.Choreographers for the August showcase are: Bev Brown, Mishi Castroverde, Vic Dimonda, Caron Eule, Iquail Johnson, Payal Kadakia and Rashi Birla, Daniel Longo, Michelle Lookado, Erik Novoa, Arielle Petruzzella, Q Pittman, Werner Figar and Shimkiri Syiem, Pavan Thimmaiah, and Kat Wildish.Tickets are $15 if purchased by August 14, or $17 after. Purchase tickets and find more information at The Performing in NY Showcase was created in 2008 to give Kat Wildish's eclectic adult students a rare opportunity: the chance to perform real classical repertoire in a professional theater in midtown Manhattan. Held 3 weekends per year at the Ailey Citigroup Theater, the programs feature small professional troupes and open class students in other dance styles. The passionate, international cast frequently reaches over 150 artists. Kat believes every dancer deserves the chance to achieve their dreams of performance, no matter their age or level. Her open-level repertory workshop of weekly rehearsals provides top-notch insight and coaching to professional and beginner dancers alike. www.katwildishshowcase.comVideos