Endurance is often the name of the game in skin tightening procedures. To create the heat levels necessary to ignite the required collagen reorganization and collagen building to tighten the skin and smooth out wrinkles, most technologies use a "burst" of heat. This burst means an immediately associated pain response. Looking to provide results, without the hurt-quotient, Irvine Dermatologist Nissan Pilest offers the new gentle Pellevé radio frequency option.
Everyone likes to stay as youthful looking as possible, but the trade-off of regaining a youner appearance often entails a process that is hardly pain free. New Pellevé gently warms the skin layers to designated temperatures gradually... No burst of energy is required and thus, no pain. Many patients describe the Pellevé procedure as somewhat like a warm massage.
How does Pellevé work and what does it do?
Pellevé is FDA approved for safely treating mild to moderate wrinkling and provides an appreciable level of skin tightening over time as the new collagen being formed is tighter and firmer. Just as fabric in our clothing, or elastic in a waist band loses its ability over time to return to its original shape, our skin's collagen and elastic fibers do the same thing. The heat generated from the treatment, and the subsequent new elastic fiber growth, are what make your skin recapture some of its smoothness and firmness.
A single Pellevé treatment will provide visible subtle results and a 2nd or 3rd treatment will build upon those initial improvements. You decide when you've reached the look you want.
Although several sessions are required to attain noticeable outcomes, the treatment is priced at very affordable levels. Cumulative improvements increase with continued maintenance sessions if desired.
Dr. Pilest has long been a proponent of offering treatments that are as comfortable as possible for patients while still providing results. "Some of the options on the market are surprisingly uncomfortable – and in some cases intensely so," he says. "It's often only after initial patients of the new technology endure and complain of pain that the developers work harder to provide effective treatment at more tolerable levels. My patients appreciate that sometimes I hold back a bit and wait until the next generation of a device that makes a particular treatment more patient-friendly. Pellevé's action fits into that model easily and we're very comfortable with our patients' response and treatment experience."
Other options exist – including other radio frequency and ultrasound, but for a calm and comforting procedure, Pellevé, hands down, is the most comfortable.
Dr. Pilest is a Board Certified Dermatologist in private practice since 1979 in Orange County, California. He is training physician for most of the FDA approved wrinkles fillers and relaxers - and a laser trainer for Fraxel and Candela and on the professional speaker boards for Medicis and Allergan. Dr. Pilest is an active Assistant Professor at the University of California Irvine and the 2012 President of the Dermatological Society of Orange County. His Irvine dermatology clinic, Total Dermatology, is located near the Spectrum.