In honor of Shakespeare's birthday Gingold Theatrical Group will celebrate with a SHAKESPEARE SONNET SLAM live online on Friday April 23rd at 6PM EDT. FREE! Livestream on the GTG Facebook page.
Join Gingold Theatrical Group and an all-star company including
Stephen Brown-Fried,
Robert Cuccioli,
Tyne Daly,
George Dvorsky,
Melissa Errico,
Alison Fraser,
Tom Hewitt,
Daniel Jenkins,
John-Andrew Morrison,
Patrick Page,
Maryann Plunkett,
Tonya Pinkins,
Laila Robins,
Jay O. Sanders,
Renee Taylor,
Jon Patrick Walker, and more, for a virtual open mic! Come as you are and share what you'd like: a Shakespeare Sonnet or quote or a song based on a Sonnet! This is a birthday party! Not a fundraiser!
Join Gingold's extended family for a Bard's Birthday Bash party! Throughout the evening, members of that extended family will join in and volunteer offerings of favorite Shakespeare's Sonnets and Sonnet-inspired work, too! We ask that you kindly keep it to under 3 minutes, so we may hear from as many guests as possible. Register before 4pm on April 22nd! If you just want to watch the livestream on Facebook, toast, and add good vibes to the room, that's more than welcome, too. Just a chance to raise a glass and cut the cake!
"We're eager to celebrate as much as we can with whatever we can these days," said Mr. Staller, "and since nobody has contributed more to the world of the theatre than
William Shakespeare, we're going to celebrate like mad. He wrote more than 150 magnificent sonnets and I doubt we'll get through them all but we'll give it our best shot. Speaking of shot, we're celebrating getting those, too!"
Dedicated to championing human rights and free speech with the humanitarian activism of
George Bernard Shaw as guide, Gingold Theatrical Group's Project Shaw made history in December 2009 as the first company ever to present performances of every one of Shaw's 65 plays (including full-length works, one-acts and sketches). Now celebrating its 16th year, they are now also including plays by writers who share Shaw's activist socio-political views embracing human rights and free speech, including work by Chekhov, Ibsen,
Elizabeth Robins,
Rachel Crothers, Pinero, Wilde, Barrie, and
Harley Granville-Barker. GTG's other programs include its new play development and educational programs. For those interested in lively off-site discourses, each Project Shaw event is followed by a talk-back with cast members. GTG's
David Staller and GTG Associate Director
Ilana Becker also host Speakers' Corner which brings together six to ten writers each year who will spend the year exploring a specific Shaw play and writing new work in response to that text.
For more information about all the programs of Gingold Theatrical Group visit online at