Based on the Oscar® award-winning film Priscilla Queen Of The Desert The Musical tells the story of Tick, Bernadette and Adam, a glamorous Sydney-based performing trio who agree to take their show to the middle of the Australian outback. The cast recently performed at Gracie Mansion in celebration of Pride Week. Click here to watch the special performance!
Priscilla is a heart-warming, uplifting adventure of three friends who hop aboard a battered old bus searching for love and friendship and end up finding more than they could ever have dreamed. With a dazzling array of outrageous costumes and featuring a score of dance-floor classics, Priscilla is a sensational journey to the heart of fabulous.
The cast is Newley Aucutt, John Brannoch, Selina Chilton, Steven Cleverley, James Cohen, Daniele Coombe, Tim English, Liz Ewing, Don Gallagher, Steven Grace, Richard Grieve, Hugo Harold Harrison, Matt Krzan, Frances Mayli McCann, Mark Moraghan, Kanako Nakano, Lucy Newton, Callum Nicol, Ian Oswald, Gemma O'Duffy, Will Peaco, Olivia Philip, John Phoenix, Charlotte Riby, Lucinda Shaw, Tristan Temple, Oliver Thornton, Graham Vick and Graham Weaver.
For more information, visit