The a showstopper from any (good) Broadway musical has to do a number of things right: it's got to leave audiences with something to remember; deliver a sense of power through choreography, a performer's voice, or lyrics (though preferably a spot-on combination of all three) - regardless of where it falls within a show.
The task of encapsulating an entire musical involving Ugandan warlords, closeted Mormons, and amphibious fornication might prove to be rough for the average lyricist - but SOUTH PARK masterminds Trey Parker and Matt Stone have done it nicely with the THE BOOK OF MORMON's 11 o'clock performance of "Tomorrow is a Latter Day," and the infamous anthem "I Believe." As do KINKY BOOTS' flashy footwear-driven "Raise You Up/Just Be," proving everyone loves a good drag queen in six-inch heels, or PIPPIN's big reveal in "Finale/Magic Shows and Miracles."CLICK HERE to check out BroadwayWorld's roundup of 11 O'Clock numbers and cast you vote for your favorite below. CLICK HERE to vote in Part 2!