Passing & Failing in Paradise by Tori Barron, is a new play that serves up the joys, anxieties and absurdities of transition with a twist of mahalo.
Passing & Failing in Paradise by Tori Barron, is a new play that serves up the joys, anxieties and absurdities of transition with a twist of mahalo (Hawaiian word used to express gratitude and respect.)
Playful Substance is celebrating Trans Youth and the people who love, accept and embrace them by offering FREE tickets to the May 9th performance (7:00pm) of Passing & Failing in Paradise.
This special performance has been made possible by generous contributions from Ronald Steckman and Pamela Steckman.
Ticket information will be distributed through LGBTQ+ school clubs and advocacy groups as well as on our Instagram page @playfulsubstance. Interested parties may contact Bree O'Connor directly at to RSVP.
Age Recommendation: Passing & Failing in Paradise is suitable for anyone (13+) who can tolerate a 90 minute show with mild profanity and a celebration of the complexity of gender identity.
In addition to our free performance night, we are offering a Share-a-Ticket program where patrons can purchase a ticket for someone who may otherwise have trouble affording the $35 ticket price. If you would like to sponsor a single ticket (or buy out the house for another youth night!), visit the campaign page at
Passing & Failing in Paradise is directed by Bree O'Connor and features Eva Wolfson, *Edlyn Griffin, Parisa Babaee, Drew Lono'ehu Tandal, Harry Phan and Regina Romero.
*Equity member appearing in this Showcase production without the benefit of a contract with permission from Actors Equity Association
Passing & Failing in Paradise will run for 10 performances, Tuesdays through Saturdays at 7:00 pm, May 7 - May 18, 2024 at the Chain Theatre (312 W 36th Street, 4th floor, New York, NY 10018).
Passing & Failing in Paradise is a wholly independent production of Playful Substance utilizing The Factory Series @ Chain Theatre rental program.
Tickets for Passing & Failing in Paradise by Tori Barron are $35 general admission, $25 for students. Tickets and Production Information can be accessed at
Passing & Failing in Paradise was developed through Playful Substance's weekly Writers' Group, an ongoing, feedback and accountability group for playwrights and screenwriters at all levels of experience. Playful Substance offers writing mentorship, developmental readings and workshops along with unique opportunities to present new works through annual community events such as Play Date and Pithy Party. Our weekly Writers' Group is offered throughout the year on Tuesday evenings both in-person and online. We also offer a monthly Writers' Group for Caregivers (online only) the third Saturday of each month. For more information, email Bree O'Connor at
The Factory Series @ Chain Theatre, provides renters with production support which may include subsidized space, rehearsal studios, and equipment and the overarching marketing, publicity, and technology enhancements for the theater.