Manhattan: The First Ladies Project is an original show that uses a medley of real letters, historical accounts, and imagined circumstances to examine the curious, hilarious, and remarkable position of the First Lady. Written and performed by five funny young women, this is a tale that examines our nation's highest unpaid, unelected career.
Conceived by Claire Downs, written collaboratively and starring Kim Blanck, Dana Clinkman, Claire Down, Annie Tippe, and Ryann Weird. Directed by Annie Tippe.
New-works producing organization, Organs of State, proudly presents The First Ladies Project as its ninth full-length play as part of its Creator Series. Organs of State is devoted to providing a home for emerging artists. To see what others have said about our work, see and
Performance Dates and Times:
April 21-24th and April 27th-30th.
8:30 PM each night; plus 1:00 PM matinees on weekends.
May 1st at 1:00 PM
(949) 439-5140
New York Theater Workshop's
4th Street Theater
83 East 4th St.
New York, NY 10003
Tickets: $15, $10 for Organs of State Citizens