Orayo announced the creation of the latest fashion accessory, the Tampurse. Designed to store tampons in a discreet and fashionable way, it's the newest truly indispensable accessory for women.
Fusing style and functionality, Tampurse is the ideal solution for carrying and protecting your tampons. Anna Paterakis and Rebekah Zougoulos from Orayo are the creators of this innovative ultra feminine accessory. Their inspiration was to provide a functional yet chic and sexy way to store tampons. "We wanted Tampurse to redefine how women store their tampons. To give women confidence that at 'that time of month' their tampons will be always on hand, protected and easy to find."
Tampurse stylishly stores mini, regular and super tampons and is a perfect addition to all handbags. The Vintage Glamour range exudes sophistication, storing 8 regular tampons and is available in four timeless colours. The Starlet range shimmers and shines, storing 4 regular tampons and is available in gold and silver.
Tampurse is available online retailing from AUD$19.95.
Log on to http://www.tampurse.com and check out the ever so chic range!
Tampurse, a whole new take on storing tampons.
ABOUT The Company
Orayo Pty Ltd was formed by co-owners Rebekah Zougoulos and Anna Paterakis and launched Tampurse in Melbourne, Australia. Tampurse operates online as a retailer and wholesaler in Australia.
Rebekah Zougoulos and Anna Paterakis are long term girlfriends living in Melbourne, Australia.