Opera Pomme Rouge, directed by Etsuko Anna Tsuri, will present The Diary of Anne Frank from 1st to 4th November 2018 at The Crown Theater at the Producers Club (358 W 44th St, New York, NY 10036). It's just two minute walk from Times Square, New York. Kate Fruchterman, a classical soprano based in New York City, will perform the title role.
For information on Opera Pomme Rouge, please visit http://operapommerouge.wixsite.com/home
Thursday November 1, 2018 7:00PM
Friday November 2, 2018 7:00PM
Saturday, November 3, 2018 5:00PM
Sunday, November 4, 2018 3:00PM
(Meet Artist Party Sunday, November 4, 2018 4:30PM)
Anne Frank: Kate Fruchterman
Director: Anna Etsuko Tsuri
Music Director: Ishmael Wallace
Set Designer: Yuriko Katori
Lighting & Projection Design: Yoshihiro Yasukagawa
Hair Makeup Designer: Mayumi Harada
Costume Designer: Ayaka Inada
Assistant Stage Director: Hanako Morikawa
Technical Director: Takaaki Ando
Video Director: Sanae Ohno
Production: Opera Pomme Rouge
TICKET: Online discount : $38 / At the Door :$45 / Guild Member: Free
Meet Artist Party: Full price $35 / Guild Member: Free
The opera Production, The Diary of Anne Frank is based on the famous diary kept whilst Anne's Jewish family was in hiding from the Nazis in Amsterdam. While living in hiding, Anna kept a diary which she received from her parents as a birthday present. It contains notes and descriptions of her everyday life, including its various aspects - happy moments, arguments, hopes and fears.
Fusing lyrical and emotive melodies with the avant-garde, Grigori Frid's music provides an intimate and intense insight into the profound thoughts of this truly astonishing young woman. A young woman whose refusal to give up hope in the face of the Holocaust keeps inspiring people around the world, and whose story has become a memorial for humanity itself. Time magazine included Anne Frank on the list of "100 Most Important People of the 20th Century".
Next year is the 80th years anniversary for the end of World War II. This production aims to bring the story to a new generation in a new way, so that we may never repeat such a tragic again.
Launched in 2015 in NYC. Opera Pomme Rouge's mission is to provide a new engaging opera experience for diverse audiences without regard to income, age or cultural background, to bring opera for free or at a significantly reduced price into communities that might never have experienced an opera, and to promote artistic excellence and life enrichment through artistic education and professionally managed high level operatic performances. Opera Pomme Rouge has 1 to 3 full staged and semi-staged performances each year, It also has a Young Artists Program that offers career development opportunities for young professional singers, coaches/pianists and stage directors/stage managers, as well as master classes taught by European and other guest teachers.