A site-specific digital installation by Jiten Thukral & Sumir Tagra.
In reaction to the Farmers Protest in New Delhi, Art at a Time Like This invited collaborative duo Thukral & Tagra to create an interactive digital installation to bring this agrarian crisis to a world-wide audience. This is the first solo show on ATLT, in recognition of this crisis and of the way artists can offer a new perspective on political struggles.
Thukral & Tagra, natives of Punjab - a predominantly agrarian state of India - have created an extensive body of work since 2012, that brings to the forefront the urgency of the agrarian crisis in India today. Delving deep into their own personal histories and memories, the artist-duo attempts to comprehend the intricate details of the lives, trials, and tribulations of the agricultural community by drawing parallels between a farmer and a wrestler. Just like a wrestler fighting for a win, a farmer must go through immense physical and mental struggle with endurance and resilience while fighting for survival against policies and issues. The artists illustrate this precarious aspect of the farmer's fate: a life which is suspended in limbo.
For Farmer is a Wrestler: A Lexicon of Distress, 2021, Thukral & Tagra have created a digital lexicon of terms that are integral to understanding the characteristics of the Indian farming community. As the viewer scrolls through the lexicon, images and illustrations depicting the ever-shifting landscape of farming float in the suspended space, creating a tiered, capricious and unstable environment.
This 7th iteration of "Farmer is a Wrestler" is not a site of protest, but a safe space to inform and comprehend the situation of Indian farmers who are questioning their rights, existence and daily survival in a world that is increasingly authoritarian and privatized.
"We have been inquiring our own authority to address this subject matter and hope the exhibition will act as a catalyst to discuss our present failures as a creative community." - express Thukral & Tagra.
In 2019, the first iteration of Farmer is a Wrestler was exhibited at Punjab Lalit Kala Akademi - Chandigarh, second at Yorkshire Sculpture Park - United Kingdom, third at Gallery Nature Morte - New Delhi. In the year 2020, other iterations were exhibited at the Bikaner House - New Delhi, MMAG Foundation of Arts and Culture - Jordan, and Warehouse 421 - Abu Dhabi, respectively.
The artists' urgent response to the current socio-political circumstances exhibits an artistic perspective to highlight issues that can help raise public awareness through an empathetic approach, which is in line with the mission of 'Art at a Time Like This.' They intend to introduce their publication "Farmer-Wrestler" in the following months to come.