SHE by Renée Roden, directed by Joey Doyle, and featuring Emily Dauer, Katherine Dudas, and Meaghan Adawe McLeod, will begin July 23rd at Cristo Rey New York High School, presented by Open Booth Theatre Company.
It's Friday ~finally~ and all that stands between you and That Party (you know the one) is that freaking AP Bio test. And all that stands between you and the bathroom are Those Dumb Freshmen Biddies (you know the ones). And all that stands between you and her, looking into the mirror, is your reflection (you know. That one).
Staged site-specifically in a real high school bathroom, SHE asks: How well do you know the person you tell everything to? And how the hell did that awful Christine get such a toned butt?
Runtime: 70 minutes. All performances begin at 8:00 PM. Dates: Thurs, July 23 | Fri, July 24 | Sat, July 25 | Thurs, July 30 | Fri, July 31 | Sat, Aug 1| Sat, Aug 2 | Thurs, Aug 6 | Fri, Aug 7 | Sat, Aug 8. In the Third Floor Women's Bathroom, Cristo Rey New York High School, located at 112 E. 106th Street, New York, NY. For tickets, go to