The Drama League has announced "DirectorFest 2006," its twenty-third festival of one-acts staged by the Fall Directing Fellows of The Drama League Directors Project. "DirectorFest 2006" runs from Thursday, December 7th through Sunday, December 10th, 2006 at the Abingdon Theatre Center's June Havoc Theatre (312 West 36th Street).
This year's bill consists of two new plays – Itamar Moses' Authorial Intent, directed by Meredith McDonough (She Loves Me!, 365 Plays Project) and Jonathan Ceniceroz's The Blessing of the Animals, directed by Alex Torra (Wrecks)– and Harold Pinter's One for the Road, directed by Jaime Castañeda (Pig Farm).
"Jonathan Ceniceroz's The Blessing of the Animals "tells the story of a young man whose gifts draw startling parallels to those of St. Francis of Assisi – specifically his gifts in relating to animals. Itamar Moses' Authorial Intent gives a glimpse of the fallacies and realities of actors' lives in the theater, both inside and outside the work they are performing together. Pinter's play is set in an unknown totalitarian state, where a mysterious figure maintains his authority by interrogating a husband, wife and their small child. Political and religious questions surface about a government's ability to abuse power and the repercussions that are sure to follow," state press notes.
Performances will be at 8:00 PM on Thursday, 8:00 PM on Friday, 2:00 PM and 8:00 PM on Saturday, and 3:00 PM on Sunday. Tickets for "DirectorFest 2006" cost $15 and are available to the general public via and at (212) 868-4444.