Oberon Theatre Ensemble will host a benefit to support its season. 24/7 will feature seven short plays created in 24 hours and presented January 25th at the June Havoc Theater (312 West 36th Street) at 7pm.
Participating playwrights include Christopher Stetson Boal (Order), Tommy Nohilly (Blood from a Stone), Steven Fechter (The Woodsman, nominated for The Humanitas Prize), Neil Koenigsberg (On a Bench, The Clearing), multiple Emmy Award winner Jean Passanante and Austin Pendleton. The directors include Jonathan Lynn, Johnny Ohara, Matthew Rauch, Don Harvey, Mark Karafin. The cast includes Paul Neibank, Gabe Bettio, Walter Brandes, Jane Cortney, Dyanne Court, Jarel Davidow, Brad Fryman, Nancy Georgini, William Tatlock Green, J.J. Kandel, Ted Koch, William Laney, Chris McFarland, Linda S.Nelson, Grace Pettijohn, Laura Siner, Dianna Martin, Ryan Tramont, Christine Verleny, and Stewart Walker. Founded in 1997, Oberon Theatre Ensemble is an off off Broadway ensemble theatre company. Now entering its 18th season, Oberon has produced 57 full length productions and more than 100 staged readings of original plays. Oberon now has 25 active members and many more regular collaborators, including award winning actors, playwrights, directors and designers. The Oberon Theatre Ensemble is an active player in New York's independent theatre community. Oberon believes in the joy of a well told story, the connection offered by a supportive community, and the magic of the theatre. Oberon actively works to share this magic with others by reaching out to the community, offering discounted student and senior tickets to our performances, and creating shows to bring to schools, senior centers, and hospitals. The company has presented shows free in Central Park and strives to keep all our offerings affordable.Videos