The long-running No Name Comedy / Variety Show brings New York's best established and upcoming authors and storytellers including Matthew Mercier, Robin Bady, Susan Kent, and Liam McEneaney to Washington Heights tonight, October 7th for their monthly series: "No Name @ Word Up Super Storytellers' Edition", at the Word Up Community Bookshop (165th Street & Amsterdam Avenue).
Curated and hosted by author / storyteller Michele Carlo ("FISH OUT OF AGUA: My life on neither side of the (subway) tracks" / Citadel Press) , the show - which is themed "PARA-NORMAL: Tales of Terror" - begins at 7:00 pm and will include a "Magic Hat open mic" where audience members can sign up for a chance at four minutes of stage time to tell their story. Admission is FREE, donations welcomed. Carlo, a veteran of NYC's storytelling community, began telling stories with the Moth almost a decade ago. Her writing also appears in Chicken Soup For The Latino Soul, Mr. Beller's Neighborhood, Huffington Post and DUCTS magazine, among others. Michele was also recently featured in PBS's: "Latino Americans of New York & New Jersey" documentary and on National Public Radio's "Latino USA " broadcast. Word Up Community Bookshop/Libreria Communitaria is located at 2113 Amsterdam Avenue in Washington Heights , Manhattan . Subways: A, C or #1 train to 168th St. (walk down to 165th St , turn left, walk to Amsterdam ).
For additional information, go to: or call (347) 688-4456.