"No Name... & A Bag O' Chips" comedy / variety show producer, Eric Vetter recently announced three May 2014 shows at Otto's in Manhattan with the first on Friday, May 9th. The fun continues tonight Friday, May 16th and things conclude on Friday, May 23rd with "No Name" house band The Summer Replacements" including Carl (BabyFreak) Fortunato) and Fernando (Dr. Sandman) Morales Gonzalez performing a full set old school R & B and rock beginning at 8:30pm. All three shows start at 7:00PM with no cover, no minimum.
Otto's is located at 538 E 14th St (Cross Street: Between Avenue A and Avenue B) "L" subway train to First Avenue.
For more info, call (212) 228-2240 or go to: www.ottosshrunkenhead.com/;