"No Name... & A Bag O' Chips" comedy / variety show producer Eric Vetter wraps up another year of comedy, music, storytelling and fun at Otto's in Manhattan with shows on December 8th, 15th and 22nd.
All shows, which start at 7:00pm, will feature No Name house band The Summer Replacements, including Carl (BabyFreak) Fortunato) and Fernando (Dr. Sandman) Morales Gonzalez.
No cover, no minimum. Otto's is located at 538 E 14th St (Cross Street: Between Avenue A and Avenue B) "L" subway train to First Avenue.
For more information, call (212) 228-2240 or go to www.ottosshrunkenhead.com. Performers subject to change. For more "No Name," information, contact (347) 885-3466/NoNameNYC@hotmail.com.