"No Name... & A Bag O' Chips" comedy / variety show producer, Eric Vetter recently announced two April 2014 shows at Otto's in Manhattan with the first - tonight, April 11th - to feature comedians Carole Montgomery (Nick at Nite's "Funniest Mom in America" ) Miguel Dalmau (Hoboken Comedy Festival) and Grant Cooper (Morrison Motel) "No Name" house band The Summer Replacements" including Carl (BabyFreak) Fortunato) and Fernando (Dr. Sandman) Morales Gonzalez will perform a full set old school R & B and rock beginning at 8:30pm.
The festivities continue on Friday, April 18th with Liam McEneaney (Comedy Central's "Premium Blend"), alt-folk singer-songwriter Jessica Delfino ("Good Morning America") and sketch comedy collective Kokomo.(Upright Citizens Brigade) Both shows start at 7:00pm. No cover, no minimum. Otto's is located at 538 E 14th St (Cross Street: Between Avenue A and Avenue B) "L" subway train to First Avenue.
For more info, call (212) 228-2240 or go to: www.ottosshrunkenhead.com