"No Name... & A Bag O' Chips" comedy / variety show producer Eric Vetter recently announced a 7pm show on Friday, Sept 20TH at Otto's Shrunken Head in Manhattan. Scheduled performers will include: Leighann Lord,
Rolanda Watts, Robby Slowik, Veronica Garza and Sandy Ehlers .
Music will be provided by Noname house band The Summer Replacements including Carl "Santa's Big Helper" Fortunato, Fernando "Dr. Sandman" Morales and King Of The Hill" Courtney Hill. No cover, no minimum, performers subject to change. Otto's is located at 538 E 14th St (Cross Street: Between Avenue A and Avenue B) "L" subway train to First Avenue. For more info, call (212) 228-2240 or go to: ottosshrunkenhead.com.