"No Name... & A Bag O' Chips" comedy / variety show producer Eric Vetter recently announced two August 2019 shows at Otto's in Manhattan. On August 16th scheduled performers include: Bob Greenberg, Lee Alan Barrett and Leslie Goshko.
On August 23rd Dave Lester, Chris Griggs, Liz Miele and Gabriel Pacheco will be featured. The shows - which start at 7:00PM - will feature the sounds of The Summer Replacements" including Carl (BabyFreak) Fortunato and Fernando (Dr. Sandman) Morales Gonzalez. No Cover, No minimum and Otto's is located at 538 E 14th St (Cross Street: Between Avenue A and Avenue B) "L" subway train to First Avenue.
For more info, call (212) 228-2240 or go to: ottosshrunkenhead.com; Performers subject to change, for more "No Name," info, contact (347) 885 3466 / NoNameNYC@hotmail.com.