You may add an entry, for anyone you choose complete with headshot, biography, and complete performance credits. If you see something incomplete on someone's record, you may submit the missing information to be added, or you can just browse.
This Week's Updates Include:
Natalie Buster (Actress)
Nicole Dominik (Actress)
Nikki Dominik (Actress)
Kurt Domoney (Actor)
Ryan Duncan (Actor)
Kevin Earley (Actor)
Stephanie Burkett Gerson (Singer)
Kelly Jeanne Grant (Actor)
Jonathan Herzog (Other)
Randy Jones (Actor)
Amy Justman (Actor)
Kendra Kassebaum (Actress)
Joe Komara (Actor)
Ann Morrison (Actor)
Ryan Nikole Parker (Actress)
Mauricio Perez (Actor)
Jacquelyn Piro Donovan (Actor)
Kate Swan (Choreographer)
Max von Essen (Actor)
David Weitzer (Singer)
Tommar Wilson (Actor)
Several hundred stars from Broadway and beyond are already part of the Who's Who, with more being added every day so be sure to check back often for the latest information, news and updates on all of your favorites!