Applicants should submit a current CV and a 1,000-word description of their project.
The Billy Rose Theatre Division at the New York Public Library for the Performing Arts just announced a call for applications for the inaugural year of our Theatre and Technology Fellowship. This fellowship, supported by a generous gift from Marshall Weinberg, will support a scholar working on a project that examines technologies documented in our collection, or using innovative technologies to study theatre history. The recipient will be expected to be in residence at the library for at least four weeks, but these need not be contiguous.
Topics could include (but are by no means limited to) digital editions of play texts, research on the history of technical theatre (for example, scenic or lighting design), virtual reality performance, or analysis of theatrical data documented in our collections. The fellow will receive a stipend of $10,000 for travel and living expenses in New York City and $2,500 for "photo orders" of previously undigitized material in our collection. At the end of the fellowship year, the fellow will present their work in a public program in the Bruno Walter Auditorium at the Library for the Performing Arts.
Applicants should submit a current CV and a 1,000-word description of their project via The New York Public Library's Fellowship Portal. Applications should describe specific collections and material to be reviewed, a timeline for the work, and a description of the intended product. Applicants will also be asked to provide contact information for someone who can provide one letter of recommendation.
Eligibility: Only US citizens, permanent residents, and foreign nationals who are US residents for tax purposes may apply.
Deadline: April 15, 2022
The Library for the Performing Arts is dedicated to enhancing access to its rich archives of dance, theatre, music, and recorded sound-to amplify all voices and support the creative process. As one of The New York Public Library's renowned research centers-and one of the world's largest collections solely dedicated to the performing arts-our mission is to amplify all voices and all of our holdings. At present, the collection at the Library for the Performing Arts includes upwards of 8 million items, notable for their extraordinary range and diversity-from 11th-century music, to 20th-century manuscripts to contemporary hip-hop dance.