New York City Center's historic renovation has been honored with six awards for excellence in architecture and historic preservation. The renovation, led by Duncan Hazard of Ennead Architects, has transformed the landmark building into a contemporary cultural center complete with modern amenities and enhanced historic details, from the Grand Tier lobby's painted ceiling and murals to the auditorium's arabesque dome. New York City Center is located on 55th Street, between 6th and 7th avenues.
City Center has received a 2012 American Architecture Award. Organized by the European Centre for Architecture Art Design and Urban Studies and the Chicago Athenaeum, the annual American Architectural Awards program has become one of the most significant and distinguished awards program in the United States, recognizing the best of new design in America. A special exhibition of all award-winning American buildings will be presented at "The City and the World," the symposium presented by the European Centre for Architecture Art Design and Urban Studies and the Chicago Athenaeum in Istanbul, Turkey in conjunction with the Istanbul Biennial. After its opening in Turkey, the exhibition will then travel inside Europe.
The New York State American Institute of Architects has honored City Center with a 2012 AIANYS Citation for Design. Recognizing outstanding works of architecture through its annual Design Awards Program each year since 1968, the award celebrates achievements in design excellence by New York State architects, honoring the architects, clients and consultants who work together to create and enhance our built environment. The 2012 AIANYS Design Awards Reception and Presentation will take place Friday, September 28th at The Saratoga Hilton in Saratoga Springs, NY.
In addition, The Municipal Art Society of New York's 2012 MASterworks Award for Best Restoration has been awarded to New York City Center. The annual MASterworks Awards recognize projects completed in the preceding year that both exemplify excellence in architecture and urban design and that make a significant contribution to New York's built environment. The MASterworks awards ceremony will be held on Thursday, October 18th.
NYCC has also won three additional awards: The New York Landmarks Conservancy's Moses Preservation Awards, the Conservancy's highest honor celebrating historic preservation and its role in the economic, social and cultural vitality of New York City; a 2012 Merit Award from the Society of American Registered Architects New York Council (SARANY), recognizing design excellence and encourage client participation in achieving the best in the built environment; and a 2012 Architecture Award of Merit from the United States Institute for Theater Technology, honoring excellence in the design of theater projects.