Frustrated over the lack of alternative shopping options online, designers Jennifer Heller and Lindsay Gatz created a website to appeal to the right side of the brain. Their new website Gift Chameleon aims to please fashionistas, the hard to please, the person with everything, color aficionados, or simply any shopper who wants a happy right brain.
"The typical online shopping experience is boring for the right side of your brain – the part that focuses on aesthetics and creativity," Heller said. "When searching for gifts on most sites, you can organize items by name, price, size or other technical specifications — all left-brained ways of thinking. But what if you need to look items up based on their appearance? You can't ask Amazon to find you everything that's cute and green."
The reason, Heller points out, is because computers can't know if something is visually pleasing. In contrast, Gift Chameleon's staff scours the Web for attractive, colorful gift ideas that are then categorized by color, something not offered by online stores but a long-time method of organizing items by brick-and-mortar stores.
"The quick and increasing popularity of Pinterest shows how much right-brain thinkers needed attention in a predominantly left-brained Internet, and the way people categorize things they find on the Internet has revealed just how much of a need there is to radically change online shopping," Gatz said. "From t-shirts to iPhones, people often make purchases based on color. They love colors, and everyone has a favorite one, so why not shop the same way?"
And, with Gift Chameleon's website launch on Nov. 2, 2012, shoppers don't have to wait any longer. The site launch will include gift ideas for every color of the rainbow as well as gold, silver and animal print ideas.
Headquartered in Oakland, Calif., Gift Chameleon provides color lovers with a new way to shop. Color-coding its products, Gift Chameleon is a right-brain thinker's paradise. Bringing shoppers the best colorful products at competitive prices, Gift Chameleon makes online shopping fun again.
For more information about Gift Chameleon, visit