In a reimagined universe where teenagers develop super powers, we follow the story of six young people who navigate their comfortable lives in the Habitat of Meta-humans Enterprise (H.O.M.E), a facility created by the government to rehabilitate and incarcerate those people who have illegally used their super powers. However when Adam, an immortal arrives at the facility, they begin to rethink their place in society. As the group becomes acquainted with Adam, they begin to fully realize the potential of their abilities.
On the exterior, H.O.M.E. is a play about moody superheroes who have been captured without knowing why and who cannot and are not very willing to do anything about it. However, underneath this simple understanding lies the story of a group of people who are trapped with personalities that they cannot fully comprehend until their overseers decide that they are useful enough and can help them take over the world by exploiting their unique skills. This is an important story to tell today-specifically, this year-because with the next presidential election almost upon us and the controversy surrounding many of the candidates, we as a people must learn both the importance of teamwork and the necessity of using our individual skills and talents in order to elect a leader who will not take advantage of us. Moreover, we must all learn how to lead and ultimately find our voices-once we do, we can make a difference together.
This production features light design by Natalie Marmol, costume design by Kat Peña, set design by Daniel Echevarria and Darius Baker, and sound design by Danny Szymanowicz.
H.O.M.E. opens on August 18th, 2016 until September 4th, 2016 at the New Ohio Theatre (154 Christopher St. #1E) in New York City. It is easily accessible by taking the A, B, C, D, E, F, or M train to West 4th Street or the 1 train to Christopher Street. Tickets are $20.
Daniel Echevarria (Producer/Director) is a recent graduate of the City College of New York. Credits include Othello, which was produced at the Davenport Theatre, The Last Stop, a new play written by him, and The Hysterical Misogynist, both produced at Compton-Goethals Studio Theatre. He also directed The Cherry Bizarre for the CCNY One-Act Play Festival. Daniel has also played roles in plays such as See What I Wanna See, Casterbridge: A New Musical, and Richard III.
Image by Shaved Media Productions