An original, new musical "Madison Square Park" will be performed at the Medicine Show Theatre. Created by playwright Michael F. Bruck and composer, Michael DeMaio, this musical instilled with humor and poignancy will feature actor/singers Mario Morales, Cassandra Lambros and Michael James Fry as the characters whose stories unfold in this heartwarming 90 minute musical.
On a misty, summer morning in New York's historical, Madison Square Park the prideful Clara, a New York City walking tour guide meets the blue collar, Joey who works in Chelsea's Home Depot on 23rd Street. The two strangers find they that they have no common interests, but nonetheless find a strong attraction for each other by the time they must part. Will they meet again?
Performances will be held at The Medicine Show Theatre, 549 West 52nd Street on the 3rd floor.
Thursday, August 16th Friday, August 17th, Saturday, August 18th at 8pm and Sunday, August 19th at 3pm
Tickets available at:
Direct link: or call: 1-800-838-3006