Sleeping Beauty turquoise information and history is being offered on a new website launched to provide enthusiasts with facts about one of the most sought-after styles of turquoise available on the market.
Sleeping Beauty stones are found in the Sleeping Beauty mine in Globe, Arizona. The stones are known for for their pure sky blue color with little or no veining highlighted.
"This is truly one of the most sought-after varieties of turquoise on the market today," said Danny Carlisle with "We wanted to provide as much information as we could about the origins and processes involved in mining this stone."
The turquoise pulled from the Sleeping Beauty Mine was discovered by accident. The mine opened as a copper mine and it wasn't until relatively recently that turquoise was discovered. After it's discovery, it quickly became a popular variety of turquoise based on its natural strength and pure blue color.
Today, the mine has become an attraction to many people who wish to get a glimpse of the wonderful stone or learn how a turquoise mine operates.
"It really is a fascinating process, mining turquoise," Carlisle said. "At the sleeping Beauty Mine as well as other mines across the Southwest, workers hand pick and sort the highest quality stones to be used in jewelry and other products."
Visitors will learn about how turquoise is mined and what makes particular stones more valuable than others. They will also learn about different characteristics, such as veining and coloration. Artists and collectors from all over the world will find the information on the website useful for a variety of reasons.
To learn more about the characteristics of the stone or the history of the Sleeping Beauty Mine visit