The Riant Theater's presentation of Who's Got Game? plays 6pm on Sundays through December 17th at The Times Square Arts Center (300 West 43rd St., Roy Arias Theatre, 6th floor).
"In this improvisational comedy show, produced by The Riant Theater, twenty actors have been chosen to compete for the title of 'Best Playa Playa.' Each week the actors will partner and compete to win points from the judges and from the audience. At the end of the night the audience will cast their votes and decide "who's got game," and each week one team of two actors will be eliminated," state notes on the show.
The actors who make it to the final show on Sunday, December 17th will then compete for a cash prize of $500.00, and every audience member will qualify for a chance to win a cash prize by casting their votes.
"The Black Experimental Theatre (BET) a.k.a. The Riant Theatre, was founded in 1979, as a not-for-profit, tax-exempt organization, by Artistic
Director, Van Dirk Fisher. BET is a theatre that entertains as well as teaches by nurturing and developing new works by playwrights that
encompass the historic and social progression of the Afro-American and the contributions the Afro-American has made in the United States. Through the years BET has grown to include all nationalities (Asians, Afro-Americans, Hispanics, Anglo-Saxon, etc.) as its main focus, because the company believes that by furthering the understanding between the races, people can all advance and learn to live in harmony."
Tickets can be purchased by calling (646) 623-3488 or by visiting Tickets for one show are $15, and VIP tickets to all performances cost $100, which include complimentary drinks, reserved seating and a Who's Got Game? T-shirt. Discounts are offered for those who bring guests: Bring 3 paying friends and you get in free; 2 paying friends and you get $10 off your ticket price; 1 paying friend and you get $5 off your ticket price.
The videotaped show will air on Riant TV (RTV) at on Monday through Saturday.