A new RAY RUSECKAS exhibition will be on view in the Thos. Moser Showroom, 699 Madison Avenue, New York City. Artist Reception: Wednesday, June 25, 6 to 8 p.m.
Carefully regarding the changing weather patterns, waterways, riverbanks, adjacent fields, and the foliage's shifting hues, the work of CYNTHIA-REEVES' artist, Ray Ruseckas, captures the subtlety of New England's bucolic landscape. His acute sensitivity to the region's seasonal palette imbue his works with a quiet mystery, and deftly evoke the essence of the region. Often using handmade papers with long fibers and visible tooth, Ruseckas literally grinds the pigment into the paper and builds up the surface. The resulting tactility and surface texture add dimension and implied movement to his works.
The exhibition will remain on view through the summer.
For additional information on the work of Ray Ruseckas, visit the online gallery or contact the gallery at 212.714.0044. To r.s.v.p. for the reception, call the Thos Moser Showroom at 212.753.7005 or emailnewyorkshowroom@thosmoser.com.
Artwork: From the Pond to the Barn, pastel, 11 x 11 inches, 2007 (left); Summertime, pastel, 13 x 26 inches, 2013 (detailed image, right).