The next American Theatre Wing's Working In The Theatre seminar is set for November 4th from 12:00 pm through 1:30 pm in the Elebash Recital Hall at
Graduate Center of the City University of New York (365 Fifth Ave at
34th Street).
Entitled "Staging the Classics," it will be held on Friday, November 4th.
Taking part in the discussion will be the SITI Company's Anne Bogart,
the Chicago Shakespeare Theatre's, Classic Stage Company's Brian Kulick
- Classic Stage Company, director Mark Lamos (As You Like It, The Rivals), and director Bartlett Sher (The Light in the Piazza) of the Intiman Theatre; Jeffrey Eric Jenkins will serve as moderator. Participants are subject to change for both seminars.Upcoming seminars are scheduled for: Thursday, December 8th: 12 pm -
Producers and 3:00 pm - Performance. The dates for the future seminars
are: Thursday, January 19, 2006; Thursday, February 16; Thursday, April
13; Friday, April 21; Friday, April 28; Friday, May 5; and Thursday,
June 15. The topics and participants will be announced at a later
date. "Now in its 31st year, the ATW panels bring together
theatre's best known performers, producers, playwrights, directors,
choreographers, composers, agents and others. The seminars are held
throughout the theatre season in cooperation with Continuing Education
and Public Programs at The Graduate Center of the City University of
New York. Leadership support for the American Theatre Wing Seminars is
provided by The Annenberg Foundation and The Dorothy Strelsin
Foundation. The American Theatre Wing (Sondra Gilman, Chairman; Doug
Leeds, President and Howard Sherman, Executive Director), through its
many programs, remains dedicated to celebrating excellence and
supporting education in theatre, for students, professionals and
audiences alike," state press notes.
admission seating is $10 per person please call CUNY (212) 817-8215.
ATW members can reserve free of charge through ATW. Tickets will be
distributed to holders of reservations beginning one hour prior to each
seminar and no later than 15 minutes before the scheduled start.
The Working in the Theatre
Seminar series is broadcast five times a week on CUNY-TV (Time Warner,
channel 75: Fridays 9am, 2pm, 7pm; Sat 11am & Sun 5pm as well as on
RCN either Channel 24, 106 or 109, depending upon area). Learn more
about the American Theatre Wing, as well as view past seminars in
streaming video though their website: