The North American tour of the acclaimed musical comedy, Spamilton: An American Parody celebrates its official Tour Opening at Playhouse Square in Cleveland, OH on Thursday, December 27 at 7:30 PM. The tour began performances on December 20 and will go on to play ten multi-week engagements in its first season.
Created by Gerard Alessandrini, the comic mastermind behind the long-running hit Forbidden Broadway and performed by a versatile cast of seven, Spamilton is a side-splitting new musical parody. After tearing it up in New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, and London, Spamilton: An American Parody will stage a singing, dancing, comedy revolution in cities across the country.
The Los Angeles production of Spamilton: An American Parody recently received five LA Stage Alliance Ovation Award Nominations, including Best Production of a Musical (Large Theater) and Best Choreography.
The cast features Chuckie Benson, Ani Djirdjirian, Marissa Hecker, Brandon Kinley, Adrian Lopez, Dominic Pecikonis, Datus Puryearand Musical Director Curtis Reynolds at the piano.
Playhouse Square: December 20, 2018 - January 6, 2019
Photo Credit: Roger Mastroianni