A panel discussion, "War, Trauma, and Public Art" will be held on Tuesday, December 4, 2012, from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Kimmel Center, New York University, featuring guest artist Krzysztof Wodizcko and panelists Ani Buk, Carl Cannon, Rosalyn Deutsche, Joseph LeDoux and Kirk Savage, with moderator Carol Becker.
This panel discussion celebrates and reflects upon Krzysztof Wodiczko’s Abraham Lincoln: War Veteran Projection (in Union Square Park, through December 9th). The Lincoln installation features the images and voices of veterans projected onto the statue of Lincoln, animating the civil war president with contemporary perspectives on the traumatic effects of war. The panel discussion begins with a presentation by Wodiczko, followed by a war veteran/ activist, and then four experts in art therapy, neuroscience, and art history. This event is a collaboration between the NYU Art Therapy Program and More Art, a nonprofit art organization.
Rosenthal Pavillion, Kimmel Center, New York University is located at 60 Washington Square South, New York, NY 10012. Free Admission. Reservations required: please RSVP to adam@moreart.org. And for more information, visit steinhardt.nyu.edu or www.moreart.org.