A report out from the arts advocacy group NYS Arts today, is stating that at the final Council meeting on October 28, grant recommendations were made in the amount of $6,562,592, the amount of local assistance funding remaining for the current fiscal year. That was to be the maximum recommendation
pending official direction from the Department of Budget, so no contracts were issued following that meeting.
The big deficit reduction picture: the State Legislature passed a $2.8 billion mid-year deficit reduction plan on Wednesday. The Governor, however, says the gap is more than $3.2 billion, indicating that the Legislature fell far short of addressing the full deficit, while the Comptroller DiNapoli estimates the gap at $4 billion. And conventional wisdom says that in a few months the gap will be even bigger...perhaps $6 to $9 billion. In addition, the Governor is threatening to delay payments to schools, hospitals and municipalities to ensure that the State does not run out of money.
The Governor will be presenting his budget for 2010-11 in about a month. With these forecasts plaguing the current budget, the group is preparing for a rough 2010 - 2011 season once the new numbers allocated to the arts are revealed.
In an effort to promote the arts and maintain funding, the organization is hosting an Albany for Arts Day on February 2, 2010 in an effort to meet with state representatives and make the case that for the arts, numbers really do matter.
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NYS ARTS has successfully engaged the field to create an effective grass roots advocacy program that includes: Local Advocacy initiatives spearheaded by our Regional Captains, a Virtual Rally, and Arts Day in Albany. Our online Advocacy HQ sends thousands of emails to federal and state officials, effectively influencing public policy. Our Executive Director is the State Captain for the Federal Advocacy Campaign, leading the NY State delegation on National Advocacy Day in Washington.